1977 Greenwood IMSA Corvette

Kid Vette

Mar 25, 2008
Santa Cruz, CA

Hardly recognizable as a Corvette.
After I posted above, I just discovered the car is for sale about 20 minutes from where I live.

1977 Chevrolet Corvette IMSA

May have to go take a look. :wink:

I've visited there before. The place is amazing. I've always thought this would be a good place to work part time when I ease into retirement.

Canepa Design

They open the place up to visitors one Saturday a month. Its amazing the access they allow. When I was there they were in the process of restoring the first Duesenburg. I was able to walk right into the stall where they were working on it and had all the nuts, bolts and parts scattered. :nuts:
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That's the John Paul corvette, IMO most awesome C3 racer ever

Let's check my piggy bank :)
I thought I made it, but then I noticed there was a K behind the 750...drat :D